26 November 1997

Concerning Flight

Seven seems to have made the astrometrics lab her second home and thrown herself into her work. Seven of Nine's relationship with Harry deteriorates due to Seven's lack of manners and increasingly brusque demeanor when he needs to use the astrometrics lab and they end up attempting to work together. She fails to engage in small talk or pleasantries, and treats Harry as though he were incompetent. Harry tells Seven she should be a little more diplomatic and seems genuinely disturbed by her lack of consideration for his feelings.

Seven's voice is low and business-like throughout the episode, especially when she goes to see the doctor for her weekly maintenance and is prodded by the doctor into engaging in small talk. She clearly doesn't want to have to participate in the social aspects of living on Voyager. Later, she is even rude to Tuvok, the only crewmember she has found anything in common with so far. Seven criticises Tuvok for referring to the da Vinci hologram as if it were a sentient being. Tuvok doesn't really have any feelings to hurt, but he does seem piqued that Seven questions his logic. Seven seems almost annoyed by Tuvok's apparently non-logical assessment of the da Vinci character. This is a weird scene, as it isn't expanded on at all for the rest of the episode, nor does it seem particularly relevant. I think maybe it is just an opportunity for us to see that Seven of Nine has zero social skills and is kind of a jerk.

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