01 October 1997


Seven of Nine is assigned to work with Harry to upgrade their astrometric sensors and create an astrometric lab. Harry is nervous to work with her, because last time they worked together she rendered him unconscious and tried to contact the Borg. Not to mention he has a growing crush on her. One of my favorite lines from Seven ever occurs when Harry nervously tells her he has always wanted to learn Borg, and she doesn't laugh at his feeble joke. She responds with "I am familiar with the concept of humor. It may not be apparent, but I am frequently amused by human behavior." BURN. She also makes her first mistake, albeit a minor one, and surprisingly takes it in stride, declaring her humanity must be reasserting itself. Harry tries to make small talk with her, and it proves to be a waste of time, since her free time is mostly spent "contemplat[ing] my existence." Seven seems almost meek in this episode, at least at first. As she gets to know Harry, though, she becomes more assertive; her voice becomes less soft and she seems more certain.

Seven of Nine experiences her first acknowledgment that she has become weak when she slices her hand open while working with Harry. Harry is concerned that she feels vulnerable, but I'm not convinced. She seems to get over these little things pretty quickly in the early days. He tries to woo her while they work, but instead of exploring a budding romance, he learns that she considers beauty and comfort irrelevant, and is treated to her diagnosis of his condition: she figures he is in love with her and wants to copulate and then demands he take off his clothes. She's game to exploring her humanity, but doesn't understand the way human relationships work, thereby putting Harry off from helping her explore. Harry asks to be reassigned from working with Seven, but Chakotay rather cruelly forces him to carry on.

I think some of the character inconsistencies in Seven's character are mostly due to the fact that her character is still in development. Perhaps the writers aren't so concerned with continuity at this early stage, but in retrospect, she seems simultaneously unconcerned and unaware of her new humanity and frightened that she is becoming weak.

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