12 October 2009

More Time

Attention: anyone who can help me find more time.

I just need a few more hours to finish my homework. I promise I won't squander them like I did with my hours today. I needed those hours to rest, so if I just had a few more hours, everything would be perfect.

Actually, if you could give me a whole day, that way I could be sure to be rested in time for the next day, and maybe get ahead a little. Or maybe a few days, so I can really make the most of this presentation I want to do.

Really a whole week would be better. Then I could have some time to spend with my husband, maybe go take a little vacation.

Since I'm asking, maybe two weeks would be better. Then I could call up my friends, too, catch up with them, and still have time for my husband and my work. Or would it be too much to ask for an extra month? Then I could spend time actually visiting the people I haven't had time to call.

But maybe a month wouldn't be enough. Maybe I need a year, or ten years, or a lifetime to spend with someone who may not be around in a year, or a month, or a day.

So if you could please give me just one more lifetime to spend with the people I love so I don't miss a minute doing silly things like homework, so I can look them in the eyes and tell them what they mean to me, that would be ideal. Then everything would be perfect.


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